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Research Groups in Bionanoparticle Technology
Important Websites for Bionanotechnolgoy
Bionanoparticle Related Literatures
1.Allan, A. C., M. Lapidot, et al. (2001). "An early tobacco mosaic virus-induced oxidative burst in tobacco indicates extracellular perception of the virus coat protein." Plant Physiol 126(1): 97-108.
2.Argos, P., M. G. Rossmann, et al. (1977). "A four-helical super-secondary structure." Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 75(1): 83-6.
3.Asia, H. and N. Watanabe (1976). "Electric birefringence in concentrated solutions of tobacco mosaic virus." Biopolymers 15: 383-392.
4.Balci, S., A. M. Bittner, et al. (2006). "Copper nanowires within the central channel of tobacco mosaic virus particles." Electrochimica Acta 51(28): 6251-6257.
5.Bhyravbhatla, B., S. J. Watowich, et al. (1998). "Refined atomic model of the four-layer aggregate of the tobacco mosaic virus coat protein at 2.4-A resolution." Biophys J 74: 604-615.
6.Butler, P. J. (1999). "Self-assembly of tobacco mosaic virus: the role of an intermediate aggregate in generating both specificity and speed." Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 354(1383): 537-50.
7.Butler, P. J. G. and G. P. Lomonossoff (1978). "Quantized incorporation of RNA during assembly of tobacco mosaic virus from protein disks." J. Mol. Biol. 126(4): 877-82.
8.Butler, P. J. G. and G. P. Lomonossoff (1980). "RNA-protein interactions in the assembly of tobacco mosaic virus." Biophys. J. 32(1): 295-312.
9.Carr, J. P., L. E. Marsh, et al. (1992). "Resistance to tobacco mosaic virus induced by the 54-kDa gene sequence requires expression of the 54-kDa protein." Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 5(5): 397-404.
10.Chandrasekar, V. and J. E. Johnson (1998). "The structure of tobacco ringspot virus: a link in the evolution of icosahedral capsids in the picornavirus superfamily." Structure (London) 6(2): 157-171.
11.Chandrasekar, V., S. Munshi, et al. (1997). "Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of tobacco ringspot virus." Acta Crystallogr., Sect. D: Biol. Crystallogr. D53(1): 125-128.
12.Coutts, R. H. A., J. E. Rigden, et al. (1991). "The complete nucleotide sequence of tobacco necrosis virus strain D." J. Gen. Virol. 72(7): 1521-9.
13.Culver, J. N. (1996). "Tobamovirus cross protection using a potexvirus vector." Virology 226(2): 228-35.
14.Culver, J. N. (2002). "Tobacco mosaic virus assembly and disassembly: determinants in pathogenicity and resistance." Annu Rev Phytopathol 40: 287-308.
15.Culver, J. N. and W. O. Dawson (1989). "Tobacco mosaic virus coat protein: an elicitor of the hypersensitive reaction but not required for the development of mosaic symptoms in Nicotiana sylvestris." Virology 173(2): 755-8.
16.Culver, J. N., W. O. Dawson, et al. (1995). "Site-directed mutagenesis confirms the involvement of carboxylate groups in the disassembly of tobacco mosaic virus." Virology 206(1): 724-30.
17.Culver, J. N., K. Lehto, et al. (1993). "Genomic position affects the expression of tobacco mosaic virus movement and coat protein genes." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90(5): 2055-9.
18.Culver, J. N., G. Stubbs, et al. (1994). "Structure-function relationship between tobacco mosaic virus coat protein and hypersensitivity in Nicotiana sylvestris." J Mol Biol 242(2): 130-8.
19.Dardick, C. D., S. Golem, et al. (2000). "Susceptibility and symptom development in Arabidopsis thaliana to Tobacco mosaic virus is influenced by virus cell-to-cell movement." Mol Plant Microbe Interact 13(10): 1139-44.
20.Dickert, F. L., O. Hayden, et al. (2004). "Bioimprinted QCM sensors for virus detection-screening of plant sap." Anal Bioanal Chem 378(8): 1929-34.
21.Domier, L. L., K. M. Franklin, et al. (1986). "The nucleotide sequence of tobacco vein mottling virus RNA." Nucleic Acids Res. 14(13): 5417-30.
22.dos Reis Figueira, A., S. Golem, et al. (2002). "A nuclear localization signal and a membrane association domain contribute to the cellular localization of the Tobacco mosaic virus 126-kDa replicase protein." Virology 301(1): 81-9.
23.Douglas, T. and M. Young (1999). "Virus particles as templates for materials synthesis." Advanced Materials 11(8): 679-681.
24.Dubrovin, E. V., M. N. Kirikova, et al. (2004). "Study of peculiarities of adhesion of tobacco mosaic virus by atomic force microscopy." Colloid J. 66: 750-755.
25.Dujardin, E., C. Peet, et al. (2003). "Organization of Metallic Nanoparticles Using Tobacco Mosaic Virus Templates." Nano Letters 3(3): 413-417.
26.Flynn, C. E., S.-W. Lee, et al. (2003). "Viruses as vehicles for growth, organization and assembly of materials." Acta Materialia 51(19): 5867-5880.
27.Fonoberov, V. A. and A. A. Balandin (2005). "Phonon confinement effects in hybrid virus-inorganic nanotubes for nanoelectronic applications." Nano Lett 5(10): 1920-3.
28.Fowler, C. E., W. Shenton, et al. (2001). "Tobacco mosaic virus liquid crystals as templates for the interior design of silica mesophases and nanoparticles." Advanced Materials 13(16): 1266-1269.
29.Fraenkel-Conrat, H. (1955). "Reconstitution of active tobacco mosaic virus from its inactive protein and nucleic acid components." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 41: 690-698.
30.Ginoza, W. and D. E. Atkinson (1955). "Comparison of some physical and chemical properties of eight strains of tobacco mosaic virus." Virology 1(3): 253-60.
31.Goelet, P., G. P. Lomonossoff, et al. (1982). "Nucleotide sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79(19): 5818-22.
32.Golem, S. and J. N. Culver (2003). "Tobacco mosaic virus induced alterations in the gene expression profile of Arabidopsis thaliana." Mol Plant Microbe Interact 16(8): 681-8.
33.Golemboski, D. B., G. P. Lomonossoff, et al. (1990). "Plants transformed with a tobacco mosaic virus nonstructural gene sequence are resistant to the virus." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 87(16): 6311-15.
34.Goregaoker, S. P. and J. N. Culver (2003). "Oligomerization and activity of the helicase domain of the tobacco mosaic virus 126- and 183-kilodalton replicase proteins." J Virol 77(6): 3549-56.
35.Goregaoker, S. P., L. G. Eckhardt, et al. (2000). "Tobacco mosaic virus replicase-mediated cross-protection: contributions of RNA and protein-derived mechanisms." Virology 273(2): 267-75.
36.Goregaoker, S. P., D. J. Lewandowski, et al. (2001). "Identification and functional analysis of an interaction between domains of the 126/183-kDa replicase-associated proteins of tobacco mosaic virus." Virology 282(2): 320-8.
37.Goulden, M. G., J. W. Davies, et al. (1992). "Structure of tobraviral particles: A model suggested from sequence conservation in tobraviral and tobamoviral coat proteins." J. Mol. Biol. 227(1): 1-8.
38.Goulden, M. G., G. P. Lomonossoff, et al. (1991). "A model for the generation of tobacco rattle virus (TRV) anomalous isolates: pea early browning virus RNA-2 acquires TRV sequences from both RNA-1 and RNA-2." J. Gen. Virol. 72(7): 1751-4.
39.Jeng, T. W., R. A. Crowther, et al. (1989). "Visualization of alpha-helices in tobacco mosaic virus by cryo-electron microscopy." J Mol Biol 205(1): 251-7.
40.Kalinin, S. V., S. Jesse, et al. (2006). "Evidence for possible flexoelectricity in tobacco mosaic viruses used as nanotemplates." Applied Physics Letters 88(15).
41.Klug, A. (1999). "The tobacco mosaic virus particle: structure and assembly." Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 354(1383): 531-5.
42.Knez, M., A. Kadri, et al. (2006). "Atomic layer deposition on biological macromolecules: Metal oxide coating of tobacco mosaic virus and ferritin." Nano Letters 6(6): 1172-1177.
43.Knez, M., M. Sumser, et al. (2004). "Spatially selective nucleation of metal clusters on the tobacco mosaic virus." Adv. Funct. Mater. 14: 116-124.
44.Knez, M., M. P. Sumser, et al. (2004). "Binding the tobacco mosaic virus to inorganic surfaces." Langmuir 20(2): 441-7.
45.Larson, S. B., J. Day, et al. (1998). "Refined structure of satellite tobacco mosaic virus at 1.8 A resolution." J Mol Biol 277(1): 37-59.
46.Lee, S. Y., J. W. Choi, et al. (2006). "Deposition of platinum clusters on surface-modified tobacco mosaic virus." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6(4): 974-981.
47.Lee, S. Y., J. N. Culver, et al. (2006). "Effect of CuCl(2) concentration on the aggregation and mineralization of Tobacco mosaic virus biotemplate." J Colloid Interface Sci 297(2): 554-60.
48.Lewis, J. K., M. Bendahmane, et al. (1998). "Identification of viral mutants by mass spectrometry." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95(15): 8596-601.
49.Lomonossoff, G. and J. E. Johnson (1995). "Eukaryotic viral expression systems for polypeptides." Semin. Virol. 6(4): 257-67.
50.Lomonossoff, G. P. (1993). "Virus resistance mediated by a nonstructural viral gene sequence." Transgenic Plants: 79-91.
51.Lomonossoff, G. P. and P. J. G. Butler (1979). "Location and encapsidation of the coat protein cistron of tobacco mosaic virus. A bidirectional elongation of the nucleoprotein rod." Eur. J. Biochem. 93(1): 157-64.
52.Lomonossoff, G. P. and P. J. G. Butler (1980). "Assembly of tobacco mosaic virus: elongation towards the 3 -hydroxyl terminus of the RNA." FEBS Lett. 113(2): 271-4.
53.Lomonossoff, G. P. and T. M. A. Wilson (1985). "Structure and in vitro assembly of tobacco mosaic virus." Mol. Plant Virol. 1: 43-83.
54.Lu, B., G. Stubbs, et al. (1996). "Carboxylate interactions involved in the disassembly of tobacco mosaic tobamovirus." Virology 225(1): 11-20.
55.Lu, B., G. Stubbs, et al. (1998). "Coat protein interactions involved in tobacco mosaic tobamovirus cross-protection." Virology 248(2): 188-98.
56.Lu, B., F. Taraporewala, et al. (1998). "Intersubunit interactions allowing a carboxylate mutant coat protein to inhibit tobamovirus disassembly." Virology 244(1): 13-9.
57.Nedoluzhko, A. and T. Douglas (2001). "Ordered association of tobacco mosaic virus in the presence of divalent metal ions." J. Inorg. Biochem. 84: 233-240.
58.Nida, D. L., J. R. Anjos, et al. (1992). "Expression of cowpea mosaic virus coat protein precursor in transgenic tobacco plants." J. Gen. Virol. 73(1): 157-63.
59.Niu, Z., V. S. Kotakadi, et al. (2006). "Study and characterization of tobacco mosaic virus head-to-tail assembly assisted by aniline polymerization." Chem. Commun.: 3019-3021.
60.Padmanabhan, M. S., S. P. Goregaoker, et al. (2005). "Interaction of the tobacco mosaic virus replicase protein with the Aux/IAA protein PAP1/IAA26 is associated with disease development." J Virol 79(4): 2549-58.
61.Porta, C. and G. P. Lomonossoff (1998). "Scope for using plant viruses to present epitopes from animal pathogens." Rev. Med. Virol. 8(1): 25-41.
62.Rodriguez-Cerezo, E., K. Findlay, et al. (1997). "The coat and cylindrical inclusion proteins of a potyvirus are associated with connections between plant cells." Virology 236(2): 296-306.
63.Royston, E., S. Y. Lee, et al. (2006). "Characterization of silica-coated tobacco mosaic virus." J Colloid Interface Sci 298(2): 706 - 712.
64.Schlick, T. L., Z. Ding, et al. (2005). "Dual-surface modification of the tobacco mosaic virus." J Am Chem Soc 127(11): 3718-23.
65.Sehnke, P. C. and J. E. Johnson (1993). "Crystallization and preliminary x-ray characterization of tobacco streak virus and a proteolytically modified form of the capsid protein." Virology 196(1): 328-31.
66.Sehnke, P. C., A. M. Mason, et al. (1989). "A \"zinc-finger\"-type binding domain in tobacco streak virus coat protein." Virology 168(1): 48-56.
67.Shenton, W., T. Douglas, et al. (1999). "Inorganic-organic nanotube composites from template mineralization of tobacco mosaic virus." Advanced Materials 11(3): 253-256.
68.Slocik JM, N. R., Stone MO, Wright DW (2005). "Viral templates for gold nanoparticle synthesis." JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 15: 749-753.
69.Smith, M. L., J. A. Lindbo, et al. (2006). "Modified Tobacco mosaic virus particles as scaffolds for display of protein antigens for vaccine applications." Virology 348(2): 475-88.
70.Taraporewala, Z. F. and J. N. Culver (1996). "Identification of an elicitor active site within the three-dimensional structure of the tobacco mosaic tobamovirus coat protein." Plant Cell 8(2): 169-78.
71.Taylor, S., A. Massiah, et al. (1994). "Correlation between the activities of five ribosome-inactivating proteins in depurination of tobacco ribosomes and inhibition of tobacco mosaic virus infection." Plant J. 5(6): 827-35.
72.Toedt, J. M., E. H. Braswell, et al. (1999). "Biophysical characterization of a designed TMV coat protein mutant, R46G, that elicits a moderate hypersensitivity response in Nicotiana sylvestris." Protein Sci 8(2): 261-70.
73.Tseng, R. J., C. Tsai, et al. (2006). "Digital memory device based on tobacco mosaic virus conjugated with nanoparticles." Nature Nanotechnology 1: 72-77.
74.Wadu-Mesthrige, K., B. Pati, et al. (1996). "Disaggregation of Tobacco Mosaic Virus by Bovine Serum Albumin." Langmuir 12: 3511-3515.
75.Wilson, T. M. A., G. P. Lomonossoff, et al. (1981). "Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) disassembles tobacco mosaic virus predominantly from the 5 -end of the viral RNA." J. Gen. Virol. 53(2): 225-34.
76.Yi, H., S. Nisar, et al. (2005). "Patterned assembly of genetically modified viral nanotemplates via nucleic acid hybridization." Nano Lett 5(10): 1931-6.
77.Zaitlin, M. (2000). "Tobacco Mosaic Virus." AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses 370: 8.
78.Zaitlin, M., D. Golemboski, et al. (1991). Virus resistance in plants transformed with nonstructural sequences from a pathogenic virus. PCT Int. Appl. Wo, (Cornell Research Foundation, Inc., USA). 32 pp.
79.Zaitlin, M., D. Golemboski, et al. (1993). Induction of viral resistance in plants by transformation with a replicase gene. PCT Int. Appl. Wo, (Cornell Research Foundation, Inc., USA). 46 pp.